How to get past grief by living in the moment

When living in the moment, your thoughts are on that moment only. The past and the future can't touch you. It can be hard to stay focused in the present when thinking about both of them at once. For instance, what would you say if I said "Don't think about tomorrow."

It's understandable that grief can sometimes be like a pink elephant in the room. There can seem to be no way out and it may feel like there's nowhere to turn. In these situations, present moment thinking is important. It takes practice while you're also trying to live in the moment. 

Using Meditation

You can try to control your thoughts, but one technique that's all about staying in the present moment is meditation. This simple exercise can also help you get over your grief.

Here are some meditation tips:

  • Set a daily schedule that you can stick to.

  • Go to a place where you can relax and be alone.

  • Sit in a position with good posture.

  • Take deep breaths in and out.

  • You can use a "mantra" or positive affirmation to help you focus.

  • When thoughts arise, acknowledge them, and then let them go.

Meditation is an excellent way to clear the clutter in your mind. This can be difficult, but focusing on your breathing helps you slow down and rise above the distractions that keep you from being mindfully present.

When you're going through a tough time, it can be difficult to find peace and stay in the moment. Thoughts of the past will most likely keep coming up in your practice. This is normal and something that you should expect as you continue practicing. Eventually, it will get easier to focus on the present.

Just because you're thinking about the past doesn't mean you deserve to be punished for it. Remember, your mind is naturally heading in that direction - it's easy to let this happen. If you notice that your mind is wandering off, just gently nudge things back where they should be. You realized that you were falling into negative thought patterns, and you quickly switched gears. Be grateful for your ability to catch yourself right as it was happening, but don't put emphasis on the tendency so that it can simply occur less and less.

Stay Consistent

Once you adopt a philosophy of 'present moment thinking', concentrate on consistently employing it. Rather than thinking about it as something you only turn to when you're in a pinch, adopting this philosophy can bring an exhilarating new routine to your day.

When you learn to live in the present moment, you'll find a sense of peace and happiness in life. You'll be more calm and collected, and will enjoy every moment without finding flaws. Isn't that just incredible?

Embrace Every Moment

As your practice deepens, you'll notice how life just seems to be a sequence of moments. There's no clear definition as to what constitutes a measurement of time. You might feel many moments within every minute and eventually learn how to recognize them individually.

As you live, you will always be planning for the future and reflecting on past events. BUT, once this reflection is over and your plan has been put into place, your goal should be to stay in the present.

  • Refer to the past when you must, but avoid reliving grief or daydreaming.

  • Plan for the future, but don't obsess over it.

  • Simply look at what you're experiencing right now and immerse yourself in it.

One of the best ways to be energized is to be present and mindful. When you give your full attention, time slows down just a little bit and it can make mundane tasks more enjoyable.