The History of Bathing

We know that bathing is a very old ritual. It has been practiced since the early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Rome and Greece.

The Greeks used to bathe in natural hot springs for relaxation. The Romans built public baths but they were not meant just for hygiene but also as a social place to socialize, exercise and enjoy entertainment.

The bathhouses during the Middle Ages were mainly used by physicians who would prescribe bathing as a cure for various diseases.

Many cultures around the world have leveraged the healing powers of bathing.

Benefits of Bathing

Both bathing in hot and cold water has beneficial effects on the body. With the boiling water from hot springs, people can benefit from the rich mineral waters. Ice baths may help heal athletes from muscle strains or damage.

Regardless of the temperature, bathing has many scientific health benefits for the mind and body. The physical reaction of bathing is easing pain and letting go of stress in the body. The emotional impact from bathing includes promoting relaxation. 

Why a Bath Ritual

By combining the physical and emotional health benefits of bathing and also the intentional spiritual aspect of a self-care ritual, a bath ritual can be the ultimate healing activity for your well-being.

This article will share with you a few tips on how to create your own bath ritual.

Tip #1: Make the Time

To make your bath ritual worthwhile, it is very important that you make the time in your schedule. This is a time for you to give your mind and body a much needed break versus viewing this as an undeserving, and guilty indulgence. 

The frequency of how often you want to have your bath ritual would depend on you. It is recommended at least weekly and to devote at least  20 minutes to your bath. 

During your bath ritual, make sure that you are free of distractions. This includes turning your notifications off on your phone and also asking your family members to give you some personal relaxation time.

Tip #2: Set the Mood

To perform your bath ritual, you will want to set the mood. Think of this as a moment of tranquility where you can fully relax in peace and quiet. If you live with others, ask them to keep the noise down or send them away while you are taking your bath.

You may also want to declutter your countertops and bring in soft natural lighting. Lighting candles often helps set the ambiance as most bathroom lighting tends to be harsh. Candle lights add a soothing touch.

You may also want to put on a relaxing playlist, but leave your electronics away from you. The purpose is for you to unwind and relax away from all distractions. 

Others may find that adding plants such as flowers and perennials into their bathroom can add a touch of life to their relaxing environment. 

Tip #3: Quiet Your Mind

If your mind is filled with racing thoughts of your work deadlines or in an infinite loop of a recent argument then you are not truly getting the level of relaxation that you can compare to if your mind is empty. 

Be present while taking your bath ritual. Do not worry about the past or the future, but just listen to your breathing and focus on easing your mind while you take your bath. 

The whole purpose of any self-care ritual is to recharge yourself from the busy events of everyday life.

Tip #4: Check the Temperature

Test the temperature of your bath water to make sure that it is close to your body temperature or a few degrees above. You do not want to use overly hot water as it can dry or scald skin. 

The temperature of your bath water should be warm enough so you feel its soothing effects. Bathing in warm water triggers dilation of blood vessels, which relaxes muscles.