What We Stand For

We proudly use all-natural, plant-based, and cruelty-free ingredients. We handmake our products with tender love and Intention for every person regardless of their background, gender or colour. Join us in this being kind to yourself and to the world around us.

Meet Melinna & Melissa 

Melinna and Melissa are Chinese-Canadian fraternal twins and founders of Self-ker Rituals, an asian-inspired, wellness retreat from home company offering curated self-care products. Their company offers bath teas, clay masks, beauty tools and manifestation crystals for self-care rituals. 

Their company focuses on helping people prioritize their sense of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being through self-care rituals from home. They understand that everyone experiences stress from life and often needs an escape to recharge. Given that wellness retreats may not be affordable or possible for everyone, they want to create an alternative where anyone can be mentally miles away in relaxation even from the comfort of their own home. 


How Self’Ker Rituals Started

While growing up in poverty, Melinna and Melissa’s upbringing didn’t provide them with the many luxuries or privileges of life such as travelling or resources to “take care” of oneself. Life was about working hard and following the safe path of going to a good university, graduating, finding a job and getting married with kids. Otherwise, according to society norms, they would be considered a “failure”. 

They did not know there was more to life than this traditional path till they lost their mom to cancer in their early 20s. Their mother, like most moms, worked so hard her entire life to provide for her kids that she didn’t ever get the chance to take care of herself or the financial means to travel.  

Many privileges such as getting nails done or having a spa day were never possible for their mom because these self-care routines were “too expensive”. She often felt guilty to spend money or time on herself and devoted every penny saved to her kids. 

Their mom’s dream was to go on her first cruise after her youngest son graduated from university. She never got to fulfill this dream; she passed away two year before her son graduated. 

The story of Melinna and Melissa’s mom is not an uncommon one. Many people share the same circumstances of financial hardship and stresses of life as their mom. They do not know how or have the means to prioritize self-care.

After the passing of their mom, Melinna and Melissa spent years travelling across the world including Asia and learning more about holistic healing and wellness retreats. Their vast experience opened their eyes to the power and healing abilities of self-care rituals around the world. Many natural botanicals and teas have health benefits such as improving insomnia, reducing stress, preventing inflammation and protecting cells from damage.  

Melinna and Melissa created Self-Ker Rituals because they want to share their knowledge from their Asia travels and provide the opportunity for everyone to take care of themselves regardless of their age, sexual orientation, class, or personal conditions. They want to provide everyone with the opportunity and knowledge that their mom did not have.

In order to take care of others, we must first take care of ourselves.
