Self-care Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

Many entrepreneurs prioritize hard work over their well-being. Exerting effort for self-care may feel like a complete waste of time compared to time better spent working.  Many people think that the only way to be able to work hard is by never taking a break, but that is not true. 

Millions of successful entrepreneurs had to take time off from work in order to focus on their goals and their health. Here are a few self-care tips that can help you create an environment that allows you to focus on your goals and your business, while still making time for yourself to take care of you (and your family).

Why Do We Need Self-care?

Self-care is an important aspect of life. Self-care emphasizes the idea of self-love and self-compassion. It entails taking care of one's needs, without neglecting other responsibilities. It’s a way for people to take time for themselves and be present in the moment, whether it’s enjoying their favorite hobby or even just taking a break from work.

Self-care can involve various forms such as physical health, mental health, emotional well being and spiritual well being.  It can also be as simple as getting more sleep or eating better food that makes you feel good inside instead of depriving yourself of things you enjoy just to fit in with society’s standards for what food should be like.

Most importantly, self-care has many benefits including the following:

  • May boost your productivity
  • May help you feel more fulfilled
  • May help you reduce stress levels
  • May boost your physical health
  • Can improve your emotional well-being

Tip #1: Schedule time in your daily schedule

It is important to schedule time in your daily routine for self care.

We all need a break from our busy lives. The problem is that there is always so much to do and it can be hard to find time for things like eating properly, getting enough sleep or exercising. Self-care can be hard when you feel so busy and overwhelmed with life. That’s why it’s important to make self-care a priority.

You might find that when you are looking after yourself more, you are more productive as well.

Self-care is not selfish, it’s necessary for success.

Tip #2: Be Consistent

The key to self-care is to create a routine or “ritual” that works for you and to be consistent with it. Self-care is more than just taking time out for yourself every once in a while; it's about making your well-being a priority throughout your day and week. It could be as simple as taking five minutes out of each day to recharge, or saying no so you can spend time with friends and family instead of working. 

In order to see true benefits in your mental and physical health, self-care needs to be practiced on a regular basis. There are no quick fixes for long term benefits. 

Tip #3: Learn to say No

Self care is a form of psychological protection that helps you to avoid burnout. However, self care needs to be balanced with obligations and responsibilities.

One of the most basic forms of self care is saying no. Saying no can help you avoid overcommitment. When we say yes to more than we are capable, it can result in increased feelings of resentment and stress. 

It's important to know that saying no does not make you a bad person or mean that you're being selfish. It's okay not to help if you don't want to.

Billionaire Warren Buffett, the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is the master of saying no. His view is “The difference between successful people and really successful people,” he says, “is that really successful people say no to almost everything.”

Tip #4: Ask for Help & Delegate

By sharing your struggles with others and asking for help, you can gain a new perspective and increase your feeling of a connection with others. You will feel less alone and feel better emotionally, which is a form of self-care.  

We can not do it all unless we want to feel burnt out and overwhelmed. In order to maintain work-life balance, we should learn to share responsibilities with others. This is especially true for tasks that are not a priority and can be given to someone else. Delegating work in this way is a form of self care.

Improve your Productivity with Self-care 

By managing your stress-levels with self-care, you may see a boost in your productivity. When you are excessively exhausted mentally and physically all the time, your ability to make decisions becomes impaired. By practicing self-care, you become more effective in  your day to day tasks.

Self care is vital to one's mental health. It not only helps you to be more productive, but it also improves the quality of work that you do.

The benefits of self care extend well beyond the workplace. Some people use self care as a way to cope with stress, anxiety and depression. Self care has been linked to improving mental health, decreasing feelings of loneliness, and even reducing physical pain