Why take Tea Baths?

Taking a bath has several wellness benefits

Baths are an essential part of our self-care and wellness routines. According to a recent study “Physical and Mental Effects of Bathing: A Randomized Intervention Study” from the Japan Health and Research Center, taking a bath versus a shower can lead to:

  • Better overall mental and emotional health
  • Lower levels of stress
  • Reduced anxiety
  • A decrease in depression
  • Pain relief
  • Improved quality of life

Taking a bath in warm water can help increase circulation and relax your muscles, which helps with muscle tension and pain. If you have a cold or constantly deal with headaches, warm steam can help with congestion.

Bath can also lead to a decrease in depression by lowering blood pressure, which boosts your mood and reduces stress. Your sleep can also benefit from a bath because a warm bath can raise your body temperature then cool it, allowing you to fall asleep.

What is a Tea Bath?

A tea bath is a type of bathing where water, often with added herbal or floral therapeutic barks, leaves, flowers and essential oils, is added to a tub before being drawn into the home through hot water pipes.

Our recommended method is to boil water with the tea ingredients in a mullein bag in a pot for 10 minutes prior to pouring the contents directly into a tub filled with bath water.

Before jumping into the bath, make sure you test the temperature of the bath water to ensure it isn’t too hot. We also recommend soaking in the tub for a minimum of twenty minutes to enjoy the full benefits of a tea bath.

Benefit #1: Tea Baths Ease Stress & May Reduce Inflammation

Stress causes your body to release cortisol, which is the body’s main stress hormone. Too much cortisol will lead to a weakened immune system and skin irritations like hive breakouts.

One of the key roles that cortisol plays is helping keep inflammation low. Bathing in hot water relieves stress while tea also contains many anti-inflammatory benefits.

By relieving stress, you lower the level of cortisol circulating in your blood, which will reduce inflammation naturally. Inflammation is your body’s response to injury. By relaxing the body, symptoms of illnesses are reduced and the natural healing process is initiated. 

Benefit #2: Tea Baths Help with Absorption

According to numerous scientific studies, ​​tea is associated with many preventative benefits of chronic diseases like cancer and cardiovascular diseases and general health promotion.

Since our skin is the biggest organ in the human body, a tea bath allows quicker absorption topically into the body of all the health benefits associated with tea. Taking a tea bath provides natural aromatics while infusing your bath water with antioxidants, helping heal your skin and reduce inflammation. 

Benefit #3: No Artificial fragrances nor Toxins

Although bath bombs are fun to watch fizzle and dissolve with all their vibrant colors, they do contain many chemicals and artificial fragrances, which do not have the same benefits as natural ingredients.. These non-natural ingredients may often lead to an allergic reaction or residue on your skin. 

Chemicals and artificial perfumes are not typically added to tea baths, which leverage the aromatic fragrances of natural herbs and added natural essential oils. You do not need to compromise from smelling good and feeling good. 

Benefit #4: May Improve Skin Texture

Tea Bath is a hot new skincare trend that's been taking over social media. However, the craze is not just skin deep. The moisturizing benefits of Tea Bath also makes it a popular choice for those who are just trying to clear up a few blemishes. Now, tea has been around for centuries, but it's only recently become a folk remedy for skin problems. 

The many skin benefits for tea baths may include:

  • Detoxing skin
  • Delaying skin cell aging
  • Promoting healing of sores and wounds
  • Soothing stressed skin
  • Balancing skin tones
  • Helping with sun damage repair
  • Promoting rejuvenation of skin cells
  • Reducing dandruff
  • Helping treat and prevent acne


There are many different ways in which one can take care of themselves, but a bath may be the best form.

Taking a tea bath can be extremely relaxing and therapeutic. It allows for an in-depth personal experience that is not possible with any other type of activity.

The benefits of taking a tea bath are plentiful and easy to see, but the most important thing to remember is that it is beneficial to every human being - regardless of age, gender, or skin type. Have you tried a tea bath yet?